FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Krishak Jagat ?

Krishak Jagat is a National Agriculture Newspaper with largest farmer subscription base in India. It publishes latest news and information related to agriculture for the farmers. It covers various segments like National agriculture news, State agriculture news, news related to crop protection, cultivation practices, new and latest technology in agriculture, corporate news and updates etc.

In which language is Krishak Jagat Published ?

Krishak Jagat is a weekly newspaper published in Hindi Language. It is the most widely read and spoken language in central India.

How can I subscribe Krishak Jagat newspaper ?

You can subscribe Krishak Jagat newspaper (Print Edition – HIndi Language) by clicking here. If you are an English reader, we suggest you to subscribe to our English newsletter onn global agriculture by clicking here.

How can I read Krishak Jagat online ?

You can read Krishak Jagat online in Hindi and English Language by clicking on the link. You can read the weekly published newspaper by clicking on epaper on the home page of website.

Is Krishak Jagat available in English Language ?

Yes. Krishak Jagat’s English Website covers latest news in global agriculture with all segments including Seeds, Crop Protection, Biocontrol & Biopesticides, Crop Nutrition, Agriculture Machinery, AgTech and Research, Start-up & Investments and others. Krishak Jagat with its corporate centric communication channel, its extensive access to national policy and research papers, specialization in agriculture sector, it provides the widest coverage to agriculture industry.

How can I contact Krishak Jagat Helpline ?

You can write to us at info@krishakjagat.org or call us at +916262166222.

How many copies of Krishak Jagat are printed?

2.20 lakh copies of Krishak Jagat are printed every week for its three state specific editions viz. Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Rajasthan.